Dr. Uldis Silins


Dr. Uldis Silins is Professor of Forest Hydrology in the Department of Renewable Resources at the University of Alberta. His research over the past two decades has focused on impacts of natural disturbances from wildfire, flooding, and Mountain Pine Beetle and forestry operations on water resources. The primary lines of research by Uldis and his team focus on a) hydrology (snowpacks, flow regime, precipitation runoff dynamics, water balance, and evaporative processes, b) water quality/ biogeochemistry, and c) aquatic ecology in riverine environments in forested source water regions.

Leadership Roles/ Rôles de leadership

Uldis established and has led/co-led the Southern Rockies Watershed Project in Alberta’s south-west Rocky Mountains since 2004 where a large international team of water scientists has been studying climate change associated pressures on critical mountain source waters from “source to tap.”

Awards/ Prix

2014 Alberta Emerald Award–Challenge Award in Water

2014 Canada Council of the Federation–Excellence in Water Stewardship Award


Professor of Forest Hydrology
Department of Renewable Resources

751 General Services Building
University of Alberta
T6G 2H1

Email: usilins@ualberta.ca
Tel: 1(780)492-9083
Web: Uldis Silins

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