Dr. Laurent Bourdeau


Laurent Bourdeau is professor with the Départment de géographie (Faculté de foresterie, de géographie et de géomatique) at Université Laval. Ph.D. holder in business administration (marketing specialist), his expertise resides in tourism marketing, tourism product development, experiential approach and destination attractiveness. He represents his university on UNESCO’s UNITWIN, the International Network “Culture Tourism and Development”, a research and knowledge transfer network about tourism and culture in a sustainability perspective. Laurent Bourdeau is chairholder of Chaire de recherche en partenariat sur l’attractivité et l’innovation en tourisme (Québec et Charlevoix). His knowledge of the tourism industry and his interaction with the Chair’s partners will allow him to establish models for the creation of innovative tourism products.


Research chair in Tourism and Innovation


Department of Geography
Laval University

Tel: 1(418)656-2131 ext. 8811

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