Aimee Schmidt
Aimee Schmidt grew up in Atlin B.C. and is passionate about the conservation of Taku River Tlingit Traditional Territory. Aimee recently completed a PhD in Environment and Sustainability at the University of Saskatchewan. Her social science research focused on understanding the human dimensions of polar bear-human interactions in Churchill, Manitoba. As part of her research journey, Aimee studied Indigenous Methodologies, traditional knowledge in wildlife management, and Indigenous human-‐animal relationships. Aimee now works as the Executive Director of the T’akhu  Tlèn Conservancy and is currently a board member for WildWise Yukon, a non-profit that focuses on reducing human-wildlife conflicts in the Yukon.
Selected Publications
Schmidt, Aimee L. & Clark, Douglas A. (2018). “It’s just a matter of time”: Lessons from agency and community responses to polar bear-inflicted human injury. Conservation & Society, 6 (1).
Schmidt, Aimee L., Clark, D. A., P. A. Loring. “Local Experts’ Observations, Interpretations, and Responses to Polar Bear Human Interactions.” Arctic, submitted June 01, 2018. Status: Under Review.
Laforge, M. P., Clark, D. A., Schmidt, A. L., Lankshear J. L., Kowalchuk, S., and R. K Brook. (2017). “Temporal aspects of polar bear occurrences at field camps in Wapusk National Park, Canada.” Polar Biology. Status: Accepted with Revisions. 40(8), pp. 1661–1670
Schmidt, Aimee. “After the Protected Area,” Book Review, 2014, Conservation Biology, 28(2), pp. 620-621.
Executive Director
T’akhu  Tlèn Conservancy
371-108 Elliott Street
Whitehorse, Yukon
Y1A 6C4
Office: 1(867)336-2170
Web: Takhuatlen