Image credit: Turtle Lodge Youtube - Indigenous Values on Climate Change September 2019
The Canadian Mountain Network is deeply saddened, along with all Indigenous Nations in Canada and around the world, by the passing of Nii Gaani Aki Inini (Elder Dave Courchene). Elder Courchene was a knowledge keeper of the Anishinaabe Nation who devoted his life to sharing Indigenous teachings to advance the understanding and stewardship of our lands and waters.
Elder Courchene has inspired dialogue and cross-cultural understanding between Indigenous knowledge keepers and western-trained scientists and has connected people across generations and cultures. We honour his work, which has had a global impact in promoting peace, cultural understanding, and Indigenous-led conservation.
The Canadian Mountain Network holds dear to our hearts his teachings and his immense legacy
In honor of the memory of Elder Courchene, the online International Mountain Day Event to be held on Dec 9 will be postponed out of respect for the many communities that are mourning his passing.
Please watch this video to learn more of Elder Dave Courchene’s wisdom: