Dr. Jonathan Schaeffer


Dr. Jonathan Schaeffer is interested in anything to do with heuristic search (such as single-agent (A*) and two-player (alpha-beta) search). Single-agent search has important industrial applications including planning problems and optimization problems.

We work on commercial games with our partners Electronic Arts and BioWare. Some of the problems we are looking at are AI scripting, path-finding, earning, and testing. We have applied our work to role-playing games, sports games and real-time strategy games.

Dr. Schaeffer is a co-founder of Onlea (Onlea.org), the world’s first MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) production company. Our mission is to create “Mindful online learning crafted with scholarship, creativity and quality.” We strive to achieve the highest possible engagement, completion and retention rates in all of our products.


Dr. Jonathan Schaeffer

Professor & Dean of Science
University of Alberta

Office: 780-492-4757

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