Coral Voss, BA, MDip, MES


Coral joined AICBR in May 2018 as Executive Director. Her research has been focused on climate change, knowledge co-creation and relational bridging between knowledge systems. Coral brings more than 20 years of administrative experience to her role at AICBR. She completed her Master’s in Environmental Studies and Master’s diploma in Environmental/Sustainability Education at York University. In addition, to her Interdisciplinary BA in Conservation Biology and Anthropology from the University of British Columbia, she also recently completed three years of a PhD in Indigenous Studies at Trent University.

Committee Involvement/Participation aux comités

Y3CA/ CCPN (Climate Change Preparedness in the North/ CCHAP (Climate Change and Health Adaptation Program
YC3 (Yukon Climate Change Consortium)
Northern Chapter Advisory Group

Selected Publications/ Publications sélectionnées

Drache, D., Fletcher, F., Laing, A. & Voss, C. “What the Canadian Public Is Being Told About the more than 1200 Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women and First Nations Issues: A content and context analysis of major mainstream Canadian media 2014-2015.” The Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women Work Group 2015, York University, 2016.

Voss, C. “Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Conservation Strategies: The Impact of Cultural Context and Educational Systems,” 6th International Conference on Indigenous Education Conference Proceedings, CDU Press, 2011.

Voss, C. “Landscapes of Memory Narrating Landscapes.” The Graduate. University of British Columbia’s Graduate Student Society, 2008.

Website Contribution/Contribution au site
Voss, C. “Kinder Morgan Trans Mountain Pipeline Expansion Project in British Columbia, Canada.” Environmental Justice Organizations, Liabilities and Trade (ejolt), 2014, contribution to ejolt’s online map.

Major Research Paper (Thesis/thèse)
Voss, C. Stories that Create: Foundation Posts Constructing a Framework for Cross-Cultural Knowledge Engagement. Thesis, York University, 2015.


Coral Voss

Executive Director
Arctic Institute of Community-Based Research

308 Hanson Street
Whitehorse, YT
Y1A 1Y6

Office: 1(867)668-3393

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